• 拟人
  • 四季


  宋鑫媛(赵朴初先生赐名)女,心善居士,笔名悠冉,满族,北京人。中国艺术研究院研究生。现为北京工笔重彩画会、中国少数民族美术促进会、中国美协中国重彩画研究会会员,中韩书画家联谊会理事、北京世纪名人国际书画院院士、世界名家书画院秘书长、中国石齐艺术研究会副会长。   作品曾在重庆三峡美术馆、山东九州美术馆、天津武清艺术馆、南京国际展览中心、山西美术馆、军事博物馆、大千画廊、宋庄艺术区、名人书画馆、中国美术馆展出。也曾在韩国、日本、台湾、法国、意大利、澳大利亚等地举办过展览。作品曾获纪念辛亥革命100周年书画展金奖、日本“真太阳”书道比赛一等奖、国际建筑设计大赛三等奖。并受邀为南山禅寺、五台山殊像寺绘制佛像画。多次爱心义捐灾区、贫困山区。   出版物:《中国重彩画集》、《新中国画•中国当代国画名家作品集》、《纪念辛亥革命100周年书画展》、《北京工笔重彩画会会员作品集》、《中国艺术研究院作品集》、《亚运当代艺术展作品集》、《世界书画艺术大展》、《国际建筑设计大赛作品集》、《韩国东洋书艺大展作品集》、《中国当代书画名家纪念邮册》、《中国城市年鉴》。 Song Xinyuan, Named by Mr. Zhao Puchu whose pen name is You Ran, is a Manchu woman living in Beijing. Graduated from Beijing Language University as a bachelor of arts, she now is a postgraduate in the Chinese National Academy of Arts. She is also a member of the Beijing Academy of Meticulous Heavy Color Painting, Chinese Minorities Arts Promotion Association as well as Chinese Heavy Color Painting Seminar Attached to Chinese Artists Association. In addition, she is a council member of the China and South Korea Calligraphers and Painters Association, director of the Beijing Shiqi Academy of Painting and the general secretary of the World Academy of Maters of Chinese Calligraphy and Painting, Prizes she once won include: Gold Award of Calligraphy and Painting Exhibition of 100 Anniversary of the1911 Revolution, First Prize of Japan's “Real Sun” Calligraphy Contest, Third Prize of International Building Design Contest, Top Ten Prize of " Andina Cup " Design Contest. Besides, she was invited to Modern Art Exhibition, South Korea Grand Exhibition of Oriental Calligraphy, The World Grand Exhibition of Calligraphy, Culture and Arts, Exquisites of Chinese Celebrities and Masters Show and held exhibitions in Shanxi Art Gallery, National Military Museum、Celebrity Calligraphy and Painting Gallery and Songzhuang. Her Publications include: The Collection of Chinese Heavy Color Painting, New Chinese Painting: Work Collection of Contemporary Chinese Painting Artists, The Work Collection of Calligraphy and Painting Exhibition of 100 Anniversary of the1911 Revolution, The Work Collection of Members of Beijing Academy of Meticulous Heavy Color Painting, The Work Collection of Art Studios in Chinese National Academy of Arts, The Work Collection of Modern Arts of the Asian Games, Grand Exhibition of Calligraphy and Painting of the World, The Work Collection of International Building Design Contest, The Work Collection of South Korea Grand Exhibition of Oriental Calligraphy, Memorial Album of Contemporary Chinese Modern Calligraphy and Painting Masters.

      宋鑫媛(赵朴初先生赐名)女,心善居士,笔名悠冉,满族,北京人。中国艺术研究院研究生。现为北京工笔重彩画会、中国少数民族美术促进会、中国美协中国重彩画研究会会员,中韩书画家联谊会理事、北京世纪名人国际书画院院士、世界名家书画院秘书长、中国石齐艺术研究会副会长。   作品曾在重庆三峡美术馆、山东九州美术馆、天津武清艺术馆、南京国际展览中心、山西美术馆、军事博物馆、大千画廊、宋庄艺术区、名人书画馆、中国美术馆展出。也曾在韩国、日本、台湾、法国、意大利、澳大利亚等地举办过展览。作品曾获纪念辛亥革命100周年书画展金奖、日本“真太阳”书道比赛一等奖、国际建筑设计大赛三等奖。并受邀为南山禅寺、五台山殊像寺绘制佛像画。多次爱心义捐灾区、贫困山区。   出版物:《中国重彩画集》、《新中国画•中国当代国画名家作品集》、《纪念辛亥革命100周年书画展》、《北京工笔重彩画会会员作品集》、《中国艺术研究院作品集》、《亚运当代艺术展作品集》、《世界书画艺术大展》、《国际建筑设计大赛作品集》、《韩国东洋书艺大展作品集》、《中国当代书画名家纪念邮册》、《中国城市年鉴》。 Song Xinyuan, Named by Mr. Zhao Puchu whose pen name is You Ran, is a Manchu woman living in Beijing. Graduated from Beijing Language University as a bachelor of arts, she now is a postgraduate in the Chinese National Academy of Arts. She is also a member of the Beijing Academy of Meticulous Heavy Color Painting, Chinese Minorities Arts Promotion Association as well as Chinese Heavy Color Painting Seminar Attached to Chinese Artists Association. In addition, she is a council member of the China and South Korea Calligraphers and Painters Association, director of the Beijing Shiqi Academy of Painting and the general secretary of the World Academy of Maters of Chinese Calligraphy and Painting, Prizes she once won include: Gold Award of Calligraphy and Painting Exhibition of 100 Anniversary of the1911 Revolution, First Prize of Japan's “Real Sun” Calligraphy Contest, Third Prize of International Building Design Contest, Top Ten Prize of " Andina Cup " Design Contest. Besides, she was invited to Modern Art Exhibition, South Korea Grand Exhibition of Oriental Calligraphy, The World Grand Exhibition of Calligraphy, Culture and Arts, Exquisites of Chinese Celebrities and Masters Show and held exhibitions in Shanxi Art Gallery, National Military Museum、Celebrity Calligraphy and Painting Gallery and Songzhuang. Her Publications include: The Collection of Chinese Heavy Color Painting, New Chinese Painting: Work Collection of Contemporary Chinese Painting Artists, The Work Collection of Calligraphy and Painting Exhibition of 100 Anniversary of the1911 Revolution, The Work Collection of Members of Beijing Academy of Meticulous Heavy Color Painting, The Work Collection of Art Studios in Chinese National Academy of Arts, The Work Collection of Modern Arts of the Asian Games, Grand Exhibition of Calligraphy and Painting of the World, The Work Collection of International Building Design Contest, The Work Collection of South Korea Grand Exhibition of Oriental Calligraphy, Memorial Album of Contemporary Chinese Modern Calligraphy and Painting Masters.
